Friday, 6 October 2017

Take charge of your life and make steps to becoming your own boss

For many years I have dreamt about being the best version of myself. I come from a family of hard workers and achiever's and have always dreamt of creating my own company, and building my own brand. I wanted to be in what I would call my happy place.

When I looked at my life I realise I was stuck! and although I enjoy the job I currently do, I wanted to explore my dream career, and pursue something that I always aspired to do. By following this way of life I always thought by having job and paying my bills that I was successful in my own right,   and maybe I was,  but did I actually get the satisfaction I required, and could I see myself doing this for the rest of my life. After having children it made me realise I wanted them to have a path,  something to follow - a legacy something that they can hold on to. In this ever changing world where things are developing constantly- is just simply having a job enough?

I knew in order to achieve  my desired goal I had to change my current thought process. I began to focus and  started using the term mind over matter-  what makes me happy? how to build my confidence, how to appreciate my worth

Taking control of my life

This is not just a thought process, and not just something I inspire to do, its actually become my way of life. To feel in control of my myself, my body, my health, my thoughts, and now to implement that and be in control of my income, I had to ask myself what makes me tick, and what are the things that make me happy, what can give me financial satisfaction?

I started to writing down positive words of encouragement, and placed them anywhere that I came in contact - around the house, the car and even on my phone. I began to realise my voice the most powerful tool I had, and began to seek advice from other people I knew who had changed there life and had been successful in starting up there own businesses.

The next part was the elimination process, I discovered I no longer wanted to surround myself with people I believed was toxic in my life. Instead I proceeded to choose my circle carefully, and embrace the people that challenged me, people who had original thoughts, that are not scared to take risks, not scared of the unknown and not scared of the outcome.

With my ideas bouncing around in my head, I went to work and started putting pen to paper reeling off all my creative thoughts and putting together my vision for the future.

The next process was to accept that any vision, even mine is achievable, and to keep in mind there are a few simple steps that can take you  to that place of your desired goals.

Making small changes
Surround yourself with positive people - This is because if you believe in yourself then others should believe in you too-  the worst thing that you could here is someone telling you ways in which your business could failed, before you've even had a chance to do all your research. Positive minds think a like, and by having these individuals in your life will help to gather inspiration, and provide you with the confidence you need to strive forward.

Work smarter, not harder

 Yes you heard me the idea here is to be smart never quit your job thinking your going to make money over night I think we all can agree that is a little unrealistic, so instead use smart strategy to work on your business along side your current occupation. You will know when the time is right to take your business full time

One of the main concerns of any entrepreneur is the worry about start up cost and failure. Depending on the size of your company will depend on how much your willing to invest, but don't  allow this to put you off, put together your short, medium  and long term goals this will help determine what finances will be required to get you started.

There is always space and time for growth so don't worry and try not to force everything out all at once. Most companies only need small amount to get you starred, a office space or premises that allows you to operate your company from. . All other element's can come later depending upon the type of business you are creating .After you've obtained all your research then you can start to factor in other cost that may occur.

Use any accessible tools you have at your disposal, the internet is powerful source with so much information that is there  for you to absorb and its often free or at very little cost. The use of  social media platforms are great ways to research your target audience and your competitors. These platforms often has social groups or communities.  It can be very helpful to join such groups in your target area to get an idea of what your audiences feedback is likely to be.  Always check what topics are trending on social media this will give you idea what is current and why?

Research your competitors pay particular attention to there price, quality, and what customer service or experiences they offer.

From this you can establish you USP (unique selling point) have a look at what your company represents and how they different from other brands.

The most fun part of any business is seeing your creativity come to life.
Choosing a manufacture is not the easier part. This requires great attention to detail as you need to trust that they will deliver the product in a way the you have envisioned and they are truly on board with what your brand stands for.. Make sure when sourcing any manufacture you check to see there profile, and if they have a history of making products within your subject field. Once a sample has been provided,  test your products and get feedback to see if it meets the requirement's of your target audience.

Of course you will have some set backs, no company strives without such things happening, but keep pushing forward and believe me it will pay off.

This is where I'm at the moment . My journey is far from over, but when I look at what I've built so far I feel a sense of delight. I have to say I'm striving and making small adjustments to take control of my life and becoming my own boss has got me feeling better and better each day.

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